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Dr. Laura Hills TweetChats about Ethics, Branding, and Goldilocks Goals

TweetChatHeaderFinalDr. Laura Hills was a guest on Akia Garnett’s popular #MasterYourBrandChat on January 29 and February 5, 2013.

February 5, 2013:
Blue Pencil Institute president Dr. Laura Hills wrapped up a two-week tweetchat series this evening focusing on branding ethics and Goldilocks goals. The 50-minute weekly chat, hosted by Akia Garnett, introduces participants to various subjects that directly and indirectly relate to branding. The program is sponsored by Minority Business Enterprise Magazine and takes place every Tuesday night at 8 pm EST.

Dr. Hills chatted with Ms. Garnett and participants on January 29 about the role of ethics in branding. She explored what makes marketing ethical or unethical and offered advice for business owners who face ethical dilemmas. Dr. Hills told participants, “There are many issues surrounding ethical marketing. It’s like an onion. We have to keep peeling.”

Dr. Hills’ February 5 program focused on setting Goldilocks goals, a term she coined to describe goals that are not too ambitious, not too easy, but just right. She explained why goal setting is so important and recommended setting goals in six areas. Dr. Hills also explored why people typically fail to achieve their goals and offered participants links to additional goal setting resources. For more information about Akia Garnett’s weekly TweetChat, login to Twitter and search the hashtag #MasterYourBrandChat. Or, visit the Brandbuilder website.

Transcript of Dr. Hills’ January 29 TweetChat: Ethics and Branding

Transcript of Dr. Hills’ February 5 TweetChat: Setting Goldilocks Goals

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