Articles by Dr. Laura Hills
Dr. Laura Hills, Blue Pencil Institute's president, has authored hundreds of journal and newsletter articles and notably, has been a popular columnist for The Journal of Practice Management since 1998. Her article topics include communication, leadership, team building, human resources, marketing, management, emotional intelligence, ethics, workplace etiquette, human resource, staff development, and professionalism.
Click below to read pdf reprints of just a few of Dr. Hills' Journal of Medical Practice Management articles:
The Journal of Medical Practice Management (ISSN 8755-0229) is published bi-monthly by Greenbranch Publishing, LLC., PO Box 208, Phoenix, MD 21131-0208. Customer Service:
1-800-933-3711. For more information or to subscribe, contact Nancy Collins, publisher, at
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
In addition, Dr. Hills has contributed articles to the following publications:
- Review of Optometry
- Professional Corporation Advisor
- Optometric Management
- Journal of Chiropractic
- Administrative Eyecare
- Dental Group News
- Optometric Economics
- Physicians Financial News
- Medstart
- The Internist
- ESL Magazine
- Practice Owner's Advisor
- Washington Home and Garden
- PVS Advantage Newsletter for Dentists
- Dental Images
- Physician Manager
- The Doctor's Office
- Procom's Dental Update
- Procom's Optometric Update
Dr. Hills also contributes posts to Blue Pencil Sharpener™, Blue Pencil Institute’s blog, and has been a guest blogger and interview subject for a number of blogs and newsletters. For example:
Read “Dr. Hills Teaches Us to Craft a Great Tweet”
Read “Lemons into Lemonade: My CEO Success Story”
Please contact us if you have any questions about Dr. Hills’ articles or if you would like to explore the possibility of her contributing articles to or being interviewed for your publication or blog.